Asst. Instructor Renshi Jeramy E. Devlin - Martin Godan Shojukempo ryu / Karazenpo Go Shinjitsu Youth Director.
Chief Instructor Prof. Larry S.L.Martin Ku-dan / President of the R.I.Karazenpo Go Shinjitsu Black Belt Society.
Founder , President Ceo Shojukempo ryu, Shojukempo International Martial Arts Association.
Sensei Richard Briehof Jr. Membership Director
Sensei Tom Duquette Asst. Instructor
Sempai Ali Duquette Asst. Instructor
Sempai Tom Connelly Asst. Instructor
Sempai Ed Marcello Asst. Instructor
Jr. Sempai Deseree Cama-Martin " Little Ninjas team Capt. "